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Frequently Asked Questions

For the many of you whom have either been in this industry for some time and neglected to educate yourselves, or for those that have just arrived new, it is highly recommended you equip yourself with the tools and knowledge this industry has to offer.

'Ignorant fools convince no one other than the fools themselves'

This industry is not for the ignorant, nor is it for those that believe that they can become a millionaire overnight and on a single transaction. It's a fact. Did you know that every bit of the 95% of the people who have entered this industry have yet to ever close a deal? It's True! And of those, a great percentage have been in this industry for at least a decade and more. Not too encouraging for those that believe they can become wealthy overnight.

These answers might surprise you, but then again, maybe not.

1. Does Sienna work with brokers, intermediaries?
Yes. However we require direct contact with your end-buyer. We will not work through countless intermediaries.

2. Does Sienna International Group, sell or buy commodities?
No, we do not. We work direct with both buyers and sellers as facilitators and mandates.

3. Does Sienna International Group, accept LC's and reissue to seller?
No. LC's from the buyer(s) are issued directly to our sellers and their respective banks.

4. How do we get paid as intermediaries?
We deal direct with PayMaster. This paymaster is a USA Licensed Attorney who handles such matters. Everyone who receives funds from a finalized deal from either ourselves or our sellers, must submit all personal and/or company information in order to receive their earned commission. This information is later forwarded to the US Government for record of file.

5. Do you supply samples?
No. There is no such thing as edible samples being issued to a buyer. It is irregular, against government regulations and no person ever issuing such samples should be considered a legitimate seller. Just the same, no individual who ever asks for such items, should be considered a real buyer.

Any fool can go to a supermarket in their neighborhood, grab a bag of sugar, coffee beans, etc and send them to anyone, but whos to say that the product you receive as a sample, will be the same product you will receive on delivery? Products have international standards, and as such, the specifications themselves issued by the seller are more than enough to satisfy the buyer.